CUR4DESIGN is a design and interior design studio with an obsession for uniqueness and customisation. We work closely with each client to create customised projects based on their habits. How they live in their home plays a crucial role in the creation phase. We sincerely believe that details are not details at all.
From surfaces to curtains, lighting to green plants, bedding to cutlery. Our design studio has an obsession for details and uniqueness. Each material is carefully chosen based on its purpose, durability, and aesthetics. We do not follow trends but rather aim to create essential, unique, timeless designs. We are ambitious enough to project your personal vision into reality. A work of art that you can live in.
We design furniture and upholstery. We choose objects that fit perfectly into beautiful, functional spaces furnished with taste and creativity. We work hand in hand with luxury brands that reflect the unmistakable Italian style, ensuring the highest quality products.
All the knowledge acquired over time enables us to process special fabrics, from the most classic to the most innovative, ranging from the most minimalist design to the boldest pattern. All our creations are handmade. A way to add a signature of distinctiveness to your home environment: true luxury craftsmanship.
Green design is the new frontier of design that develops and creates ecosystems that respect the environment in which we live as a key principle. The inclusion of natural elements not only contributes to the aesthetic experience but also has an important positive impact on pollution, both in terms of air and acoustics.
La buona riuscita di ogni progetto dipende da come rispondiamo a queste domande: la fase cruciale è infatti l’intervista iniziale. Un momento totalmente dedicato all’ascolto delle tue esigenze. Siamo convinti che solo instaurando un rapporto autentico fondato sulla fiducia sapremo generare un progetto realmente personalizzato, cucito su misura per te.
Consulenza immobiliare: ricerca e negoziazione dell’immobile
Servizi di progettazione e costruzione di nuovi edifici
Ristrutturazioni e riqualificazioni di fabbricati esistenti
Progettazione di impianti per l’energia
General Contractor per la gestione di grandi commesse
Progettazione e Restyling dei giardini